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Rise Family Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions

question marks on a notebookCommon Answers to Questions We Hear

Like other chiropractors, at Rise Family Chiropractic we hear many questions from new and current practice members. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked.

Do you have any questions that aren’t answered here? Contact us today and let us answer all of your questions.

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Will it take more than one adjustment to feel better/different?

We love this question! While you will likely feel some shifts starting with your first adjustment or two, one of our favourite analogies is this: If you went to the gym one time, would you expect to see huge changes? If you ate one salad, would you expect your health trajectory to be radically transformed? Those feel like silly questions, don’t they? The same principle applies to your body and the chiropractic adjustment. Unwinding the body’s patterns takes time. Healing is a process. Our goal is to create sustainable change and improvements, not provide a band-aid. It’s as simple as that.

That said, at the end of the day you are in charge of how your care looks; we will never guilt or pressure you in any way.

If I start seeing a chiropractor, do I have to go forever?

If you’ve spent time on any of the other pages of our website, you’ll see that empowering our practice members to make the best choices for themselves and their families is one of our highest values. We never make our practice members feel like they have to do anything they don’t want to do. The truth is, the majority of our practice members choose to engage in chiropractic care as a part of their wellness routine because it allows them to be the best version of themselves.

Is chiropractic safe for children?

Absolutely! Adjustments look very different for children than adults – they are incredibly gentle! We are extensively trained in pediatric assessment and adjusting and have immense care and respect for children and their developing systems. With us, your children are in great hands. We promise to walk you and your child through every step of the journey.

What is the youngest age that a baby can be adjusted?

The truth is, once a baby is born they can be adjusted if necessary. We’ve both adjusted babies just hours old, and we routinely see babies as young as a week or two old. Rest assured, our adjustment uses about the same amount of pressure that you would use to check the ripeness of a tomato – in fact, babies often sleep through their adjustments they are so gentle.

If I’m not in pain, can I still go to a chiropractor?

Because chiropractic is about optimizing your brain and nervous system, the short answer to this is YES! Pain is often the last thing to arrive and the first to go away which is why our offices focus on measuring function versus chasing pain. Did you know only about 10% of the nerves in your body are capable of feeling pain? If pain is the only thing you use to measure your health, you are probably missing something!

What is the cracking sound associated with chiropractic?

The sound that is sometimes connected with certain types of adjustments is simply gas being released as joints are shifted and stimulated. It is not a bone cracking! If this doesn’t feel like the right kind of adjustment for you, don’t worry, we have options. We have a huge toolbox of techniques that allow us to get the same results without any sounds or noise.

Are chiropractors real doctors?

Chiropractors are most certainly real doctors. Chiropractors complete training comparable to medical doctors including thousands of hours in anatomy, physiology, neuroscience and practical application. The main difference is that medical doctors learn about medications and surgery while chiropractors learn about analysis and adjusting. Chiropractors have over 7 years of post-secondary education and must pass both national and provincial board exams before they can practice. Chiropractors are recognized and regulated under the same Health Professions Act in Alberta as medical doctors, dentists and optometrists.

Can I get adjusted during pregnancy and what is Webster Technique?

Absolutely! In fact, it is recommended you get regular adjustments throughout your pregnancy to keep your nervous system functioning optimally! We have lots of additional training and see pregnant patients every single day in practice. We work directly with your birth team to make sure you have the best experience during your pregnancy!

The Webster Technique is training offered through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. This protocol is a tool designed for pregnant women to in assist in the reduction of pelvic, muscular and ligamentous imbalances.

What is Thermography?

Thermography scans measure heat. This non-invasive, pain-free scanner is run from the base of your spine to the top of your neck. The data gathered here allows us to see how your body is handling the stress in your world. We know where there is more heat, there is more stress, there is more inflammation. Using this technology gives us an inside look into how your nervous system is functioning and identify areas of high stress.

What is an EMG?

EMG or Electromyography are scans that measure muscle activity. In the same sequence as the thermal scans, we will run the scanner from the base of your spine to the top of your neck. This scan allows us to see how your postural muscles are working; we will be able to see imbalances, overactivity and in some cases, underactivity as well! Again, we are always looking for information that tells us how your brain and your body are communicating. Muscle tone is controlled by nerve impulse so we use this as another indicator of nervous system function in addition to potential postural/muscular inefficiencies.

What does HRV mean?

HRV or Heart Rate Variability is a true measurement of human adaptability. This test analyzes the rate and rhythm of your resting heart beat pattern. This gives us information about where your body is in relationship to the balance between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System. Basically, are you stuck in fight-or-flight (sympathetic dominant), are you bottoming out in the parasympathetic system, or are you in a happy balance between them both?

Do you do direct billing?

Instead of expending our resources on direct billing, we focus on keeping our fees affordable and providing a fantastic patient experience! We make it simple and easy to get the receipts you need for easy reimbursement through your health plan.

Rise Family Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions | (587) 461-2373